Cuba Night was-salsa brilliant!

Well over a hundred folk participated …

in a won­der­ful even­ing of Salsa les­sons & Dancing, a Presentation on Transition by Eva and an inspir­ing film on Saturday 21st Feb in St Philips Church Hall.

The film — ”The Power of Community’ — about Cuba’s exper­i­ence of how to deal with Peak Oil (they lost 50% of their oil sup­ply overnight) was fol­lowed by a brief but insight­ful dis­cus­sion focus­ing on what we miss by liv­ing in a soci­ety obsessed with eco­nom­ic growth (a com­munity where people know and trust each oth­er, and have fun) and what we can do about it (have fun build­ing a relo­c­al­ised eco­nomy and community).

Charlotte and Emma did bril­liantly to think up the idea and make the even­ing hap­pen. Thanks also to Joan, Tom, Mary Jane and Alastair for help­ing out, and to Stewart Weaver, Alec and all at St Philips for allow­ing us to use their won­der­ful hall. Thanks to all who came and danced and watched and spoke, and thanks for the gen­er­ous dona­tions and to all who became mem­bers of PEDAL for a £1 …



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