Tea Party photos…!

Vision of Portobello in 2029

Vision of Portobello in 2029

Well over a hun­dred folk joined in the “Porty Party” in the Town Hall on the 21st March. Almost 50 joined up as new mem­bers of PEDAL (we need as many mem­bers as pos­sible, so if you’re not a mem­ber please join us. People came for the tea and cakes, for face paint­ing and the “Asian kite work­shop” recyc­ling plastic bags into fab­ulous Asian kites! … and people read and com­men­ted on the emer­ging vis­ion for a sus­tain­able and vibrant Portobello: a vis­ion in the form of plans for energy, food, trans­port, edu­ca­tion … be part of it!

We’ve put some pho­tos of the PEDAL Tea Party up on Flickr, so take a look and see if you can spot yourself!

PEDAL Tea Party

PEDAL Tea Party

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