Next Food Group Meeting

The Next Meeting of the Food Group will be at 7pm in the Espy on the 30th August 2010.  Everyone Welcome!

This is an off­shoot of the old PEDAL food group which has now become the ‘orch­ard’ group.

The Food Group is some­where to share ideas about any­thing to do with grow­ing and eat­ing more loc­ally pro­duced organ­ic pro­duce in Portobello.  The Group also sup­port the PEDAL Food Workers with some of the CCF fun­ded food pro­jects: Portobello Organic Market, Fruitful Porty, The Edinburgh Garden Share Scheme, map­ping loc­al land that may be used for food grow­ing, and a feas­ib­il­ity study into some sort of com­munity sup­por­ted agri­cul­ture pro­ject (Portobello Community Farm).

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