Local Food Survey

PEDAL are look­ing at vari­ous ways in which a strong loc­al food sys­tem in Portobello might be developed. We are hop­ing to find out what res­id­ents of Portobello feel about buy­ing loc­ally pro­duced food.

By loc­ally pro­duced food, we mean food that has been grown, reared, caught, baked or oth­er­wise made in Scotland (prefer­ably the south-east of Scotland). The pro­duce cur­rently sold in loc­al shops may or may not have been pro­duced locally.

In par­tic­u­lar we would like to know what makes it dif­fi­cult for people to shop this way and how it could be made easier.

This sur­vey will only take a couple of minutes but will be very use­ful when decid­ing how to take this work for­ward. It would be great if you could take the time to com­plete it as every­one’s opin­ion counts. Please also for­ward it to any Portobello res­id­ents that you know.

To com­plete the sur­vey please click on this link Survey

Best Wishes and thanks in anticipation,

Emma Dempsey (on behalf of PEDAL)

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