Portobello Organic Market November 2010

We have even MORE STALLS this time, with new stall­hold­ers and old favourites.

Don’t for­get we want this mar­ket to be the best it can be and feed­back from loc­al people attend­ing the mar­ket is essen­tial.  There are feed­back forms at every mar­ket or you can just add com­ments here, about what you would like to see, great things, not so great things…  If you would really like to sup­port the Portobello Organic Market, we are look­ing for volun­teers to help man­age the mar­ket.  You can stew­ard for a few hours on the day, help to decide which stalls we have and what the mar­ket’s pri­or­it­ies should be, as much or as little as you like.


Angel’s Organic Salon — organ­ic skin & body care

Beak & Barker — lovely homemade cakes

Bespoke Organic Events — organ­ic tea, cof­fee & snack

Blackmount Foods Ltd — organ­ic meat- beef, lamb, mut­ton, pork

Bloom by Joanna Kent — knit­ted accessories

Bouvrage — Berry drinks with scot­tish rasp­ber­ries & finnish blaeberries

Cramond Bramble — deli­cious homemade fudge

Fibrous — cute felty creatures and accessories

Fletchers of Auchtermuchty — ven­ison & game

Frugal Cool — loc­ally made sus­tain­able crafts & design

G A Thomson — sus­tain­ably sourced fish

Gourmet Treats — pies & pickles

Herbidacious — hand­made creams & ointments

Highland Fling — waffles and crafts from the chil­dren of Highland Fling nursery

Hugh Grierson Organic Farm — organ­ic chick­en & eggs

Imogen’s Wardrobe — organ­ic & sus­tain­able chil­drens wear & accessories

JoJo’s Danish Bakery — all sorts of dan­ish pastries

Kitchener’s Delicatessen Ltd — cheese, bread etc

Let them eat cake — homemade cupcakes

Libby Torrie — organ­ic sil­ver jewellery

Maureen Welsh — jams, jel­lies & preserves

Midget Jems — homemade cupcakes

Oxenfoord Organics — organ­ic vegetables

Patisserie Jacob — hand­made loc­al bread

PEDAL — inform­a­tion about PEDAL pro­jects and a chance to buy a  Fruitful Porty fruit tree, receive a free home energy check & lots more!

Phantassie — organ­ic vegeetables

Plants with Purpose — herbs and oth­er use­ful plants

Pop-in Cafe — organ­ic teas, cof­fee and snacks

Real Foods — a range of museli, nuts etc from the well know Edinburgh store

Really Good Fudge — homemade fudge

Temptations — con­tin­ent­al sweet & savoury baking

The Caurnie Soaperie — scot­tish hand­craf­ted soap

The Windmill Stump — linocuts & woodcuts

Usan Fisheries Ltd — sus­tain­ably caught wild salmon

Windshiel Organic Farm — organ­ic meat — lamb, mut­ton, pork, bacon

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