Brrr! Wrap your home up warm with our extended insulation scheme

Our “Hotspot” Insulation scheme — offer­ing reduced price loft and cav­ity wall insu­la­tion — has been exten­ded, so is still avail­able for all suit­able house­holds in Portobello. The offer is being run by Energy Saving Scotland advice centre in part­ner­ship with PEDAL. If you would like more inform­a­tion, or to book a free sur­vey, please call 0800 512 012 to speak to an adviser at the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre.

We have had sev­er­al happy cus­tom­ers tak­ing up this offer, includ­ing a few tene­ment res­id­ents. Loft or cav­ity wall insu­la­tion can make a real dif­fer­ence — one woman we spoke to had since turned her ther­mo­stat down by 3 degrees cen­ti­grade just one week after hav­ing her insu­la­tion installed!

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