Winter Solstice celebration bonfire warms the cockles

On Saturday 18th of December, 2 — 4pm, PEDAL held a Winter Solstice Celebration at Donkeyfield Community Orchard. Around 40 people came along to cel­eb­rate this most sea­son­al of events, includ­ing sev­er­al folk who had nev­er been to the orch­ard before — not bad for sub-zero tem­per­at­ures. The trees were was­sailed in fine fash­ion (thanks to Gordon for the loc­al cider, and Mairi for the song from the Winter’s Night con­cert), Peter brewed up some fine mulled wine and cre­ated a fant­ast­ic­ally warm­ing fire, Beth told a great story and some lovely lan­terns were made.

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