Potato Day

Hi everyone,Please find attached a pro­mo­tion­al fly­er for Bridgend’s annu­al Potato Day on Sunday February 20th. Please note that this event is being held at the Bridgend Allotments on Old Dalkeith Road and NOT at Inch House as in pre­vi­ous years. Parking is lim­ited, so if you’re com­ing by car, please try to park elsewhere.

If you are com­ing to buy seed pota­toes, we would appre­ci­ate it if you could bring your own bags! A list of seed vari­et­ies avail­able is also attached.

Hope to see you on the 20th.

Tattie Day 2011

Seed Tattie List 2011

Rob Ford

Project Officer

Bridgend Allotments Community Health Project

Tel. 07789 650878

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