Transition Edinburgh South Propose Talks

With find­ings based on their energy pro­jects, Transition Edinburgh South pro­pose two talks from spe­cial­ists if you are inter­ested in home energy effi­ciency. The talks will be fol­lowed by ques­tion and answers and will take place at Morningside United Church, Chamberlain road, from 7 – 9 pm.

Saving Energy in Tenement Homes Wednesday 23th Februrary

Two talks on improv­ing energy effi­ciency in Edinburgh Tenement flats. Gary Pearson (Changeworks) and Grigor Mitchell (Architect) will present the res­ults of their detailed energy sur­veys in tene­ment flats in south Edinburgh, identi­fy­ing the most cost effect­ive meas­ures for sav­ing energy and keep­ing warm at an indi­vidu­al flat and whole-build­ing level.

Renewable Energy in Traditional Homes 3rd March

An even­ing present­a­tion by Nick Heath (Changeworks) explor­ing the bene­fits, costs and prac­tic­al­it­ies of installing house­hold renew­able energy sys­tems such as sol­ar pan­els, heat pumps and wood-burn­ing stoves in tra­di­tion­al Edinburgh homes, includ­ing tene­ments. Followed by Q & A and discussion.

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