United we stand…

Sustainable com­munit­ies work­ing togeth­er towards fin­an­cial independence.

In these tough eco­nom­ic times how do ‘com­munity led’ sus­tain­ab­il­ity pro­jects main­tain momentum? What strategies/income gen­er­at­ing options exist or could be developed, and how can com­munit­ies work togeth­er to increase the effect of what they do?

You are invited to attend a gath­er­ing of act­ive com­munit­ies in Scotland to dis­cuss these ideas and to con­sider some of our options.  Click here to book a place

Date: 5th March 2011
Time: 9.30am (for regis­tra­tion) till 5pm
Venue: Oatridge College, Ecclesmachan, BROXBURN, West Lothian EH52 6NH (click for map)

There will be a free minibus between Linlithgow rail­way sta­tion and the venue


This event is free. You can also get help with travel costs.


Tim Helwig Larsen (author of the Zero Carbon Britain Report) — Energy Bank
Georgy Davis - Community Energy Scotland, Development Officer for SE Scotland
James Hiddinga — Ethica Solutions Scotland Ltd.

A diverse range of speak­ers will high­light some of the ways that com­munit­ies can work togeth­er on income gen­er­at­ing pro­jects. There will be oppor­tun­it­ies to work in depth with the speak­ers and get a real insight into the range of pro­jects they are engaged with. There will also time to talk with people from oth­er com­munit­ies, to share your own thoughts and ideas and hear from others.

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