Finish Your Food Training Course




One Day Training Course

Reducing Food Waste in Schools and Communities


***ONLY £95!!***

One third of food is wasted when it could be reduced, reused and recycled. This fab­ulous food waste train­ing course will equip you with the skills, know­ledge and inform­a­tion needed to engage schools and com­munit­ies in redu­cing food waste.

You will observe the highly enga­ging ‘Finish Your Food with Mr Silly Sausage’ pro­ject in action and learn about the tech­niques employed to tackle wastage. The ‘Finish Your Food’ pro­ject is an excel­lent way to sup­port Eco Schools ini­ti­at­ives and reduce food waste in school. Learn how pupils become act­ive cit­izens as they raise aware­ness at home with the ‘Plate Pledge’ fam­ily chal­lenge and the whole com­munity is effect­ively engaged in food waste reduction.

About Us:

The Scottish Waste Education Support Programme (SWESP) run by Changeworks has been deliv­er­ing high qual­ity waste edu­ca­tion train­ing courses to the major­ity of Scotland’s loc­al author­it­ies and com­munity organ­isa­tions for the last 5 years.  You too could bene­fit from our unique approach to waste edu­ca­tion through a range of activ­it­ies, tech­niques and top tips based on tried and tested waste edu­ca­tion from exper­i­enced waste educators.


09:00: Presentation on how to reduce food waste in schools and at home

11:30: School visit

12:00: Visit din­ing hall to see lunch in progress

13:30: Whole school present­a­tion ‘Finish Your Food with Mr Silly Sausage’

13:50: Talk with eco pupils about record­ing food waste as Zero Waste Heroes

14:00: Depart school

14:30: Arrive Changeworks for cof­fee and debrief

For more inform­a­tion see:

Previous par­ti­cipants said:

“A good vari­ety of inform­a­tion, prac­tical activ­it­ies and oppor­tun­it­ies to share with oth­ers. Well worth the time and money.

Date: 21st March 2011

Venue: Changeworks, 36 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5PY

(10 mins from city centre)

Cost: Special rate of £95 + VAT

Included: Lunch, refresh­ments, all train­ing materials

To book your place contact:

Jane Adams, Waste Prevention Administrator,

A: Changeworks, 36 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5PY.

T: 0131 555 4010 E:

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