SDE Network Page 2

4. Spokes Spring Public Meeting, Augustine United Church, Edinburgh, Wed 23rd March

The meet­ing will be a hust­ings for the May 5th Holyrood elec­tions – with an excit­ing line-up of speak­ers, and a new format to enable max­im­um test­ing of and engage­ment with each can­did­ate!! Candidates for the Parliament from the 5 main parties will each speak for 5 minutes about cyc­ling in the con­text of their wider trans­port policies.  They will then spend 10 minutes each in sub­groups of the audi­ence, so that each can­did­ate gets a real grilling – by you!!


Time… 7.30pm; open 6.45 for cof­fee, stall, exhib­i­tion and chat.

For more info email: or go to Spokes website:


5. World of Work Glow Meeting – Renewable Energy Sector, 2 ‑3pm, 23rd March

The renew­able energy sec­tor is set to become one of the fast­est grow­ing sec­tors in Scotland, offer­ing many excit­ing career oppor­tun­it­ies for young people. Join this inter­act­ive Glow meet to find out more. Participants will have the oppor­tun­ity to take part in chal­lenges, ask ques­tions and learn about the career paths taken by three indi­vidu­als. This meet is broadly aimed at learners in sec­ond­ary schools but may be of interest to primary schools too.


Join this Glow meet on the 23rd March 2011 in the World of Work Wednesday Glow meet room at.

Please dir­ect tech­nic­al quer­ies regard­ing Glow to Jennifer McDougall on All oth­er quer­ies should be dir­ec­ted to Ian Menzies, Development Officer (Developing Global Citizens) on email: or Tel: 0141 282 5160.


6. SDE Network Conference, Godfrey Thomson Hall, Universty of Edinburgh, 31st March

The SDE Network’s annu­al con­fer­ence is an oppor­tun­ity for the SDE com­munity to meet, talk, share and learn.  This year’s Keynote Speaker will by Prof Tim Kasser, author of Common Cause and The High Price of Materialism.  There will also be a var­ied pro­gramme of work­shops where del­eg­ates can share know­ledge, devel­op skills and learn prac­tic­al activities.


Cost – £50 for non-mem­bers or £20 for SDE Network Members. Places at this event are limited.

To book your place please con­tact Abi Cornwall:, tel: 07506 189 600


7. Growing Communities in Scotland, Edinburgh Regional Meeting, 5th April

This is a great oppor­tun­ity to meet oth­er people involved with com­munity and thera­peut­ic farms, gar­dens and grow­ing pro­jects in the Edinburgh area. On this day there will be an look at the work of the Grassmarket Community Project, a work­shop on top tips for grant fund­ing suc­cess, and a vis­it to the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Community Garden.


For more inform­a­tion email: or tel: 0131 623 7058.


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