Volunteer with the Otesha UK cycle tour this summer

Gear up for a two-wheeled revolu­tion join a 2011 Otesha UK cycle tour!

Do some­thing worth­while with your sum­mer! Join an Otesha sum­mer cycle tour, deliv­er work­shops and per­form a play about envir­on­ment­al and social sus­tain­ab­il­ity in schools and youth clubs as you cycle across the UK. There are two tours to choose from: Northern Soul (10th June 23rd July) and Tartan Trail (5th August 17th September).

Volunteers will be tak­ing in the delights of the UK from their saddles, per­form­ing a play, mak­ing the world a bet­ter place, learn­ing new skills (bike main­ten­ance, theatre, con­sensus decision-mak­ing, sus­tain­able and group liv­ing… the list goes on), meet­ing new friends, and gen­er­ally mak­ing mischief.

If you’re 18 to 28 and pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing a sus­tain­able future, then why not ride with Otesha? Find out more at www.otesha.org.uk/cycletours. Places are first come, first served, so get your skates on!

If you have any ques­tions or would just like to have a chat about it, please call on 0207 377 2109 or email cycletours@otesha.org.uk.

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