Free Family Cycle Commuting training and advice

The Bike Station is now offer­ing *free* train­ing and sup­port for Edinburgh par­ents inter­ested in giv­ing fam­ily cycle-com­mut­ing a go.

This is part of the new Spokes & Bike Station ‘Weans on Wheels’ (WOW!) pro­ject this year, which aims to encour­age more every-day fam­ily cycle-com­mut­ing by provid­ing inform­a­tion and sup­port to par­ents, par­tic­u­larly those with chil­dren too young to go on their own bike.   The aim is to build aware­ness, skills and con­fid­ence through hands-on advice and train­ing.  There are real­ist­ic (and fun, healthy and edu­ca­tion­al) altern­at­ives to the dreary old car-based daily travel routine for play-group, nurs­ery, school etc.

The Bike Station is now running:

  • fam­ily-cycle-com­mut­ing equip­ment demon­stra­tions for par­ents dur­ing spring / sum­mer 2011 at Edinburgh nurs­er­ies, play­groups, schools etc (at col­lec­tion-time; has your child’s place signed up?) — child seats, tag-alongs, trail­ers etc.
  • drop-in ses­sions at the Bike Station to see equip­ment: every Friday 1 – 4pm (coin­cid­ing with the weekly Children’s Bike Sales)
  • whole-fam­ily have-a-go ses­sions with the bikes and equip­ment, and a pro­fes­sion­al cycle-train­er — take the kids and give it a go for real

Contact Ruairidh at the Bike Station for more inform­a­tion on any of the above, or to book a nursery/school demon­stra­tion or train­ing ses­sion.  Email or phone 0131 668 1996.   The Bike Station may also be able to loan out fam­ily-cyc­ling equip­ment (Burley child trail­ers, child seats, tow-bars and tag-alongs, as well as adult bikes) if you work for a com­pany registered with the Bike Station’s Better Way to Work project.

Spokes has a new factsheet, “How to be a Cycling Family”.    This provides par­ents, par­tic­u­larly of young chil­dren, with ideas on how to use bikes for whole-fam­ily every-day trans­port – espe­cially for those multi-pur­pose every-day jour­neys such as drop­ping a child off at nurs­ery or school whilst on your way to work.  You can down­load it here.


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