When: 7.30 – 9.30pm, Thursday 16th June 2011
Where: Portobello Baptist Church Hall, 185 Portobello High Street (next to the Portobello Bar).
Despite recent funding disappointments, PEDAL continues to go from strength to strength — progressing existing projects, initiating new ones and attracting more and more local people. The loss of core funding — and therefore paid staff and an office — will impact on what we can do in the short term, but PEDAL continue to have ambitious plans to help Portobello become more sustainable.
Please come along to hear about what we achieved last year, exciting projects you can get involved in this year, and what other transition groups around the country have been up to. This is also an opportunity to become a member of PEDAL.
All welcome!
Please bring some home-made food to share if you can.
7.30pm PEDAL 2011 AGM
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of 2010 AGM
- Chairs Report
- Financial Report
- Resolution on membership / membership fee
- Elections to PEDAL Board
8pm AGM ends, Creating the Future Now! starts
8pm Transition Scotland Film
8.20 Local Currency (Edinburgh Pound) speaker and Q&A
8.40 Break for Refreshments
8.50 Projects Going Forward
Your chance to hear about and get involved in PEDAL projects during 2011 – 2012! This will include a brief overview of PEDAL’s existing and planned projects, followed by group discussion on the way forward. These are:
- Donkeyfield Community Orchard
- Community Growing Spaces
- Portobello Organic Market
- A Community Bakery
- Portobello & Leith Community Wind Energy Project
- Energy Saving
- Transport ideas (including Car Free Day)
- Local Currency
- Using Social media to spread the word
9.20 Activity Tables and Membership Sign-up
An opportunity for you to become a member of PEDAL or sign-up to participate in the project(s) that grab you! There will be tables where you can find out more about particular projects and how to get more involved.
9.30 End
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