Community Alliance Trust sets up shop

Saturday 9th July saw the launch of the new Green House advice shop in Craigmillar. The Green House helps people save money while help­ing the envir­on­ment, provid­ing a range of advice and activ­it­ies on energy sav­ing, waste reduc­tion, loc­al food and envir­on­ment­ally friendly trans­port. Local MSP Kenny MacAskill atten­ded the launch and cut a green rib­bon to form­ally open the pro­ject and wel­come it to the area.

Anyone can drop in and ask the friendly team of staff and volun­teers for free advice, inform­a­tion about grants for energy-sav­ing improve­ments to the home and courses for learn­ing more. Those liv­ing in the great­er Craigmillar area can also book in a free home vis­it to get more tailored help on sav­ing energy in the home.

Visitors to the shop who com­plete a 10 minute Green House sur­vey will receive a free energy sav­ing gad­get to take home – we now have TV Powerdowns and PC Powerdowns to give away, which can cut between £30 and £40 per year off your elec­tri­city bills.

The advice shop at 64 Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh, will be open from now on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from noon til 4pm, and on Wednesdays from 9 til 1.

The pro­ject is now look­ing for more volun­teers to help out in the advice shop or to help with com­munity out­reach work, and wants to work with loc­al com­munity groups and clubs to help mem­bers save cash and the envir­on­ment – please get in touch to book a talk or dis­cuss ideas for work­ing together.

The Green House pro­ject is fun­ded by the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund and run by the Community Alliance Trust.

For more inform­a­tion see the CAT web­site or Facebook page, or add your­self to the CAT mail­ing list.

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