Thanks for supporting the Wind Energy Project!

At mid­night last night our Portobello and Leith Wind Energy Project came in 4th out of 936 pro­jects, and our num­bers of sup­port­ers con­tin­ues to increase. Energyshare will let us know by 12th July wheth­er we are through to the next round or not.

If we do get through, then demon­strat­ing com­munity sup­port is really import­ant so your ongo­ing sup­port will be key. In the next round we will also be able to use writ­ten sup­port, let­ters from experts, MPs, coun­cil­lors etc. so if you know any­one who’d be good for this, please let us know. Please con­tin­ue to encour­age friends and neigh­bours to register their sup­port for our pro­ject. You can see how we are doing here. Thanks again!

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