Blasda film screenings and picnic at 1st Anniversary of Portobello Organic Market

Saturday 3rd of September will be the first anniversary of Porty Organic Market. To cel­eb­rate, PEDAL have a great pro­gramme of fund food related events to serve up at Brighton Park!

In asso­ci­ation with Take One Action and Woodcraft folk, we’ll kick off at 10.30 with a pro­gramme of short films on loc­al food.  Hear about the future of farm­ing, about how to keep chick­ens in your back­yard and about how loc­al com­munit­ies are grow­ing their own all over the UK.  Try out the cycle-powered ‘Guerilla Cinema’ in our lovely yurt — and make your own energy in the Powerpod.

At 12.30 we’re invit­ing you to join us in a loc­al food pic­nic.  Bring food you’ve grown or made — or buy some at the mar­ket — for a relaxed and soci­able out­door lunch.  This event is one of 12 loc­al food cel­eb­ra­tions in urb­an and rur­al com­munit­ies across Scotland being held as part of the Blasda Food Feast (Blasda is gael­ic for ‘tasty’). See for more.

See you there!

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