Portobello Organic Market — this Saturday 1st October

This Saturday is the first Saturday of the month, so that means its mar­ket day! Come along to Brigthon Park to get your mouth-water­ing loc­ally pro­duced, sea­son­al and organ­ic food, plus loc­al and up-cycled arts and crafts.

We now have a range of stalls selling hot food and drinks, so why not bring friends or fam­ily and make a day of it? And in addi­tion to all our reg­u­lar traders, this Saturday we’ll have Arran Cheeses on site, provid­ing the per­fect accom­pani­ment to chut­neys from reg­u­lar stall­hold­ers Maureen Welsh or Oxenfoord Organics.

At the PEDAL stall we’ll be selling our Porty branded t‑shirts (two designs, ‘I Love Porty’ and ‘Home Sweet Home’). Various col­ours and sizes are available.

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello

When: 9.30am — 1.30pm

Full list of stall­holders for October 1st.

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