Orchard party cancelled

Bonfire at last year's orchard solstice partyUnfortunately the Orchard Solstice Party planned for 17 December has had to be can­celled because of lack of avail­able people to organ­ise it.
We are instead plan­ning to do some was­sail­ing to encour­age next sea­son’s fruit­ful­ness at the next orch­ard work day on 28 January 2012, from 10 am — 2 pm.  We shall prob­ably work for  a couple of hours and then do the was­sail­ing.  More inform­a­tion about this will be avail­able in due course.
In the mean­time, the orch­ard group would like to wish every­one a very happy and peace­ful fest­ive sea­son and we look for­ward to see­ing you early in the new year.

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