Meals on Reels: a celluloid celebration of Scottish food and drink

When: 7pm Tuesday 28th February 2012

Where: The Scottish Café, The Mound, Edinburgh

Join Slow Food Scotland for an even­ing of food, film and con­ver­sa­tion to cel­eb­rate our great Scottish food traditions. 

In col­lab­or­a­tion with Regional Screen Scotland, SFS are host­ing the inaug­ur­al screen­ing in Edinburgh of Meals on Reels, a series of films and extracts from the col­lec­tion of Scottish Screen Archive at the National Library of Scotland. It’s a nos­tal­gic look at food and drink products show­cas­ing bygone products, meth­ods of pro­duc­tion and advert­ising before, dur­ing and after WW2.  Divided into a ‘menu’ of foot­age, it fea­tures everything from Arbroath Smokies, Dundee Peh and Black Pudding to Dunlop Cheese, Lofty Peak cake and, of course, whisky.

Catherine Brown, Scotland’s most cel­eb­rated food writer, will be speak­ing on the even­ing, shar­ing her insights about Scotland’s food traditions.

You will be wel­comed with a glass of wine and, before set­tling down for the screen­ing and dis­cus­sion, there’ll be a sup­per fea­tur­ing products inspired by the film:

  • Crispy Findlay’s of Portobello Haggis and Stornoway Black Pudding balls and Smokehead Whisky Sauce
  • Mug of Creamed Cullen Skink with shards of toasted bread
  • Mini homemade Inverurie steak and Deuchars IPA pies with mashed tatties
  • Vegetarian options will be avail­able on request (please say so when booking)

The cost is £25 per person.

For any enquir­ies, and to book, please con­tact Fiona Richmond on or  07762 772014.

Please advise of any diet­ary requirements.

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