Want to find out more about Big Things on the Beach? 8 p.m. Monday 18th June The Dalriada

Who are the trust­ees and how does this Public Arts Trust work?
Come along to an inform­al inform­a­tion even­ing where you can find out a little bit about our his­tory, our plans for the future, and our long term strategies and goals.
Discover the dif­fer­ent types of volun­teer­ing oppor­tun­it­ies avail­able; ran­ging from help­ing with one-off events, to join­ing our unique and innov­at­ive Commissioning Group or becom­ing a Trustee and help­ing steer Big Things on the Beach into the future.
8 p.m. Monday 18th June
The Dalriada

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