Edinburgh Blasda 16th September, Leith

2 – 7 pm, Sunday 16 September

Out of the Blue, Dalmeny Street, Leith

Now in its second year, Blasda will be help­ing cel­eb­rate all that is good with loc­al food through a series of events run by com­munit­ies cafes and cooks in loc­a­tions ran­ging from Barra to Edinburgh dur­ing Food and Drink Fortnight.

Blasda, which is co-ordin­ated by the Fife Diet, pro­motes a vibrant new food cul­ture that cel­eb­rates loc­al her­it­age and vari­ation, but is based on eat­ing loc­ally-sourced fresh food which can be a boost to the eco­nomy and eco­logy of Scotland.

With events includ­ing mass lunches, pot luck pic­nics and pub­lic feasts plus ceilidhs, talks and food films across Scotland there really will be some­thing for everyone!

Blasda are also pleased to announce a mobile ele­ment to the fest­iv­it­ies this year with a rov­ing set of work­shops on how to ‘grow your own’ being pro­moted by the chip-fat oil powered Seed Truck and the Culture Kitchen Relay run by Hidden Gardens which will be swap­ping recipes between com­munit­ies as it travels! 

Edinburgh Blasda Workshops, Out of the Blue, Leith


Ally Tibbitt from Greener Leith will hold a ‘loc­al food audit’ look­ing at what’s avail­able across Edinburgh and map­ping allot­ments, loc­al food pro­jects, cafes, com­munity grow­ing schemes, loc­al food shops. Come along, bring your loc­al know­ledge (and your laptop) and fill in the gaps.


Greig Robertson (Edinburgh Communty Backgreens Association, Edible Estates) on who’s grow­ing what and where. Talk fol­lowed by tour of nearby Sunshine on Leith com­munity garden.


Phoebe Weller (Roving Fromagerie) on the pro­lif­er­a­tion  of qual­ity artis­an cheese-mak­ing and tra­di­tions they’re draw­ing on. Come along for a taste of the best cheese in Scotland.

STALLS / EXHIBITORS 2.00 – 7.00 pm 

Breadshare with the Seed Truck ped­al-powered mill bike (Fergus), Community Gardens (Sunshine on Leith, Redbraes Strawberry Field, Lochend Secret Garden and vari­ous),  Changeworks, Zapatista Coffee, Mcleods Organics, Foragable teas and infu­sions (Anna Canning), Leith Open Space ‘World Kitchen’ (Fay Young), Fife Diet’s Smoothie Bike with fruit from Edinburgh com­munity garden pro­jects with Diane Burn.Reception (sponsored by William Bros) 6.00 — 7.00

The acclaimed Centotre and the Scottish Cafe http://www.centotre.com/thescottishcafe/ will be fea­tur­ing a full Scottish menu as part of the Blasda celebrations.

 For a full list­ing of Blasda events check out the inter­act­ive map at www.blasda.org.uk

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