Apple Day Celebration, 29th September 2−4.30

Orchard poster Apple Day 2012PEDAL is hold­ing its third apple day cel­eb­ra­tion on Saturday 29 September from 2−4.30 pm at the Donkeyfield Community orch­ard, Brunstane Road South.  We will be press­ing apples to make our own deli­cious juice — please bring a bottle to take some away in.  We also hope to have some of our own tasty apples for you to taste.  There will be a bon­fire, refresh­ments and home bak­ing, plus fun and games (includ­ing apple dook­ing and bat the rat!).

Please bring some home bak­ing if you are able, and any spare apples you may have.  Please con­tact Jane  <> if you know of any apples that need pick­ing from loc­al trees.

All wel­come — we hope you can join us.

Apple Day Poster

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