Green Homes open day in Edinburgh – Saturday 29 September

Visit a loc­al home to see renew­ables in action

Have you ever thought about gen­er­at­ing your own energy at home?  Why not come and have a chat with some green homeown­ers in your area?

On Saturday 29 September, eight homeown­ers in Edinburgh will open their homes and share their renew­ables exper­i­ence.  This is part of a Scotland-wide event with a total of 48 homes tak­ing part across the country.

Energy Saving Scotland advice centre South East is join­ing forces with Transition Edinburgh South and Transition Edinburgh Pentlands to provide an inform­a­tion hub at Colinton Mains Parish Church. Please come along, and meet with installers and with our inde­pend­ent expert advisors who can even vis­it you to see what’s suit­able for your home.

How to take part

·         Visit to find out where the homes are and which tech­no­lo­gies they have

·         Decide which homes you’d like to vis­it.

Most homes will be open between 10.30am and 4.30pm, but please check the details on the map.

·         Speak to our spe­cial­ists at the loc­al hub event, find out more about gen­er­at­ing energy at home and meet installers. 

Funded by the Scottish Government, the Green Homes open day is part of the Green Homes Network which provides you with the excit­ing oppor­tun­ity to vis­it green homes in your area. You can find out first hand how dif­fer­ent renew­able sys­tems run in real homes, hear about actu­al costs and sav­ings, and get tips and advice that could help you on your way.

P.S. Please let your friends and neigh­bours know about this event!

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