Talk: The Intertwined World of “Peak” Oil, Renewables and Sustainability by Dr Michael Shaver

Please join us for the first Our Changing World Lecture, The Intertwined World of “Peak” Oil, Renewables and Sustainability by Dr Michael Shaver

on Tuesday, 24 September

from 18:30 to 20:30

Lecture Theatre 4, Appleton Tower
11 Crichton St 

Our world depends upon energy — energy to drive our cars, energy to heat our homes, energy to trans­port our food, energy to fab­ric­ate our con­sumer goods. Our depend­ence upon pet­ro­leum resources, and the vari­able dif­fi­culty it takes to get these resources, will there­fore have implic­a­tions well bey­ond fuel prices.
In this lec­ture we will look at both pet­ro­leum resources and renew­able feed­stocks as sources of our chem­ic­al needs, and the rela­tion­ship between energy and sus­tain­ab­il­ity.
We will dis­cov­er that the tools chem­ists have been invent­ing for cen­tur­ies are now inad­equate: using the field of poly­mer chem­istry as an example we will exam­ine the new paradigm of chem­ic­al sustainability.

Doors open at 6.15pm.
Please note:
This event may be pho­to­graphed and/or recor­ded for pro­mo­tion­al or recruit­ment mater­i­als for the University and University approved third parties.
For any fur­ther inform­a­tion please con­tact the admin­is­trat­or: Lauren Sandford,

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