Category Archives: Transport

Bike route Ambassadors needed!

The Bike Station is look­ing to recruit ten volun­teer “bike route ambas­sad­ors” for a new social media pro­ject in Edinburgh. The ambas­sad­ors will help to pro­mote a new map of Edinburgh’s extens­ive off-road cycle routes and walk­ways, many of which are based on old train lines that once ran through the city.

The Innertube Map is based on the clas­sic London Tube Map, and aims to raise aware­ness of the city’s impress­ive net­work of routes. 30,000 cop­ies of the map have just been prin­ted, and the team behind the pro­ject recently received fund­ing from The People’s Postcode Lottery Dream Fund to take the pro­ject to a whole new level.

The role of the ambas­sad­ors will be to cov­er dif­fer­ent sec­tions of the route near to where they live for both a group blog and an inter­act­ive online ver­sion of the map.

They’ll be trained to use mul­ti­me­dia 3G phones so that they can blog, tweet, and take geo-tagged pho­tos, videos and audio record­ings of what’s hap­pen­ing on and around the routes, and draw atten­tion to prob­lems like fly-tip­ping and lit­ter where they occur.

You don’t have to be a cyc­list to become one of  the ambas­sad­ors — all sorts of people use the routes, for everything from walk­ing their dogs to horse rid­ing. But we are look­ing for people who are act­ive and engaged loc­al cit­izens, inter­ested in the poten­tial of the routes, and ideally inter­ested in learn­ing about social media.

You’ll also receive bike safety and main­ten­ance train­ing, and will help pro­ject part­ners Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust in import­ant con­ser­va­tion work on some of the routes around the city.

If you’re inter­ested in becom­ing an ambas­sad­or you can email for more inform­a­tion about the role.


Spokes factsheet on family cycle-commuting

Spokes has a new fact-sheet on fam­ily cycle-com­mut­ing, now avail­able online.  This provides par­ents, par­tic­u­larly of young chil­dren, with ideas on how to use bikes for whole-fam­ily every-day trans­port, with real-life case-stud­ies to provide added inspir­a­tion.  A prac­tic­al, eco­nom­ic and enjoy­able solu­tion to every-day work/nursery/school travel!

You can view the fact-sheet here.

More inform­a­tion on Spokes’s cur­rent work around Family Cycle-Commuting, updates to the fact-sheet etc. avail­able here.

Spokes and The Bike Station are launch­ing their ‘Weans on Wheels’ pro­ject this spring / sum­mer (grant-fun­ded by Cycling Scotland).  The Bike Station will be deliv­er­ing prac­tic­al cyc­ling sup­port aimed spe­cific­ally at par­ents need­ing to trans­port young chil­dren, through equip­ment demon­stra­tions at nurs­er­ies and schools across Edinburgh, ‘drop-in’ train­ing ses­sions and hands-on whole-fam­ily ‘have-go’ ses­sions.  If you have con­tacts at a nurs­ery or school (esp South Edinburgh) that might be inter­ested, do con­tact Katherine Ivory at Spokes ( or Ruairidh MacGlone at the Bike Station (

Also, if you work for a com­pany registered with the Bike Station’s Better Way to Work pro­ject and you’d like to try out some of the dif­fer­ent fam­ily-cyc­ling options, the Bike Station might be able to loan you some equip­ment (Burley child trail­ers, child seats and tag-alongs, as well as adult bikes).

Happy cyc­ling!

City Council launches bargain bike storage offer

Edinburgh res­id­ents have the oppor­tun­ity to buy bike racks and oth­er stor­age equip­ment at reduced cost from the City Council if ordered by January 17th.

The equip­ment can be ordered for tene­ments or oth­er res­id­en­tial loc­a­tions and will be installed by mid-February. The move is part of the Council’s Active Travel action plan to increase bike own­er­ship and use in the city.Delivery charges will be shared, sig­ni­fic­antly redu­cing costs.

Those inter­ested should make sure they select equip­ment which meets rel­ev­ant secur­ity and con­veni­ence needs. Residents are being encour­aged to talk to neigh­bours, land­lords and oth­er rel­ev­ant per­sons, espe­cially if there is a com­mon stair­well, garden or back-green.

More inform­a­tion on the types of product avail­able and rough costs are avail­able on the Spokes web­site. This also gives inform­a­tion on what to do next if you are inter­ested in the offer. Some ideas that flat dwell­ers have already imple­men­ted to improve their bike stor­age can be found in this Spokes fact-sheet.

The offer only applies to Edinburgh City Council residents.

Contact for details.

What would it take for you to reduce your car use?

The Revolution Will Not Be Motorized

For the last few months we have been try­ing to find people to take up the PEDAL chal­lenge but so far we’ve not found many people to take up the offer.

To remind you: We have Ridacards, val­id for one month, which we are giv­ing away for free to help you exper­i­ment with mak­ing the trans­ition from car use to pub­lic trans­port use. In return, you will pledge to not use your car for the month and keep a diary about your car-free exper­i­ence. If you would like to take part, please e‑mail or phone 669 4981 for fur­ther details.

We think this is a fant­ast­ic offer and would love to hear from you…

If you’re not temp­ted (at the moment) we’d be inter­ested to hear your com­ments about what you think it would take for you to sig­ni­fic­antly reduce your car use. Please use the com­ment form below to con­trib­ute your thoughts.

Great Bike Parade, market and comedy on Car Free Day 09!

On Sunday 20th Sept we held our annu­al Bike Parade start­ing from the Prom at the bot­tom of Kings Rd at 1.30. We had double the num­ber of bikes as last year — it seemed like we had lit­er­ally hun­dreds of dressed up bikes — and this year we had with us the amaz­ing arm­chair bike!

Over 50 kids brought their bikes and their ima­gin­a­tions to the ‘dress up your bike’ work­shop at Towerbank Primary School Ashpit on the Friday before — and their handi­work was on dis­play on the Parade, along­side adults trees, dragons, flags, and much more!

The loc­al mar­ket out­side the lib­rary, Rosefield Avenue, was well atten­ded (the loc­al bak­ing went fast!) and the ‘Isle of Egg’ Kids Eco-Comedy in St James Church Hall, was a very funny eco­lo­gic­al fable which the kids loved, and the per­formers only just man­aged to stop the kids from tak­ing over!

On Monday Sept 28th we kick off the Bike to Work scheme — feel free to join us out­side the Town Hall at 8.55 to cycle into the City!

In case you missed all the fun — our 2009 Car Free Day Poster is avail­able  HERE!

By train to Greece

The hol­i­day sea­son is approach­ing! If you need some inspir­a­tion about low-impact travel, have a read of My Hovercraft is Full of Eels, a new blog by PEDAL mem­bers Jane, Chris and Callum, about the train jour­ney across Europe they are plan­ning this summer.

5 FREE Bus Passes for a month! How and Why??!!

Why not take up the PEDAL challenge?

On Car Free Day in September, we will draw names out of a hat to issue five lucky people with a free Ridacard each for one month to help you exper­i­ment with mak­ing the trans­ition from car use to pub­lic trans­port use!  In return, you will pledge to not use your car for the month and keep a diary about your car-free exper­i­ence.  If you would like to take part, please e‑mail or ’phone 669 4981 for fur­ther details.