From ‘Open Space’ tea-breaks to ‘Post-it’ ceilidhs!

We recently hos­ted a very well atten­ded and pro­duct­ive Community ‘Open
Space’ for­um
on Sunday 27th of November. This was a
com­munity con­sulta­tion exer­cise based on the idea of an exten­ded coffee
and tea break.

Following on from this, PEDAL are organ­ising a Community Consultation ‘Post-It’ Ceilidh for Saturday the 11th of March from 7.30pm to mid­night , at Portobello Town Hall. Bella McNab’s Dance Band will provide the music and there will be a
Bar, Raffle and Food. Tickets £7/ £5 (con­ces­sion) are avail­able from Portobello Stationers.

This Ceilidh will build on the suc­cess of November’s Forum, and on the huge suc­cess of the Portobello Campaign Against the Superstore.

Come and enjoy the music, poetry and dan­cing and also have a chance to add your input into the excit­ing range of ima­gin­at­ive ini­ti­at­ives being developed as part of cre­at­ing a sus­tain­able future for Portobello. These include push­ing for a com­munity buy-out of the super­store site.

The Ceilidh will involve musi­cians, poets, and Ceilidh bands from Portobello. The ideas that emerged from November’s ‘Open Space’ for­um will be pos­ted up on the walls along­side a huge map of Portobello and of the ex-Scottish Power site. There will be very brief updates on the cam­paign from the stage at vari­ous points, and people will be encour­aged to read the ideas and devel­op­ing strategies on the posters and to add post-its to the posters and maps with their own com­ments, thoughts, ideas and sug­ges­tions on them.