Local Food Shindig

A day to inspire people to grow and buy loc­al food – PEDAL’s Local Food Shindig on Saturday 12th August was cer­tainly all this!

A loc­al pro­duce stall was lush with donated veget­ables, fruit, jams and chut­neys. Food kept arriv­ing. Whilst the blue pota­toes were a talk­ing point, the Rosefield organ­ic apple juice took the bis­cuit for being snapped up without a minutes’ delay – all four bottles! The stall was mobbed with excited cus­tom­ers and raised £120 for Maggie’s Centre.

Delicious loc­ally grown and baked food — includ­ing fruit and honey scones, salads, stuffed sum­mer squash and rhu­barb cake  — was shared and con­sumed with relish.

Local Food Shindig

Poster for loc­al food shindig

At the food miles stall, run by the chil­dren, people guessed how far exot­ic fruits had trav­elled (that chilli was grown right here in Portobello!). Most people were shocked at the thou­sands of food miles trav­elled by some of our com­mon­est foods – oranges apples and bana­nas. One loc­al coun­cil­lor with a good know­ledge of apple vari­et­ies cor­rectly tracked down the three apples from New Zealand, Brazil and Scotland.

Kids, young and old charged up and down the beach with the giant inflat­able earth ball, faces were painted and Dr Bike was busy giv­ing bikes a free check over.

Our eco-raffle gen­er­ated quite a buzz, with the green­est prizes yet to be raffled in Portobello and a top prize of a year’s gold mem­ber­ship of the City Car Club.

We handed out drafts of the Portobello Energy Descent Plan, and inform­a­tion on all aspects of sus­tain­able liv­ing. If you would like to get involved in any way, please con­tact us: info [at] ped­al-porty [dot] org.uk.

Many thanks to Graham Kitchener for the video of the event!

Here are more pho­tos of the event to get your taste buds watering!