£72,000 Wind Turbine grant funding announced!

Portobello’s plans to pro­duce and sell its own green elec­tri­city have taken a step for­ward with the announce­ment of a £72,000 fund­ing award for PEDAL.

The grant award from the Scottish Government’s Communities and Renewable Energy Scotland scheme is to pay for leg­al and plan­ning costs in estab­lish­ing a com­munity owned wind tur­bine on Portobello’s fam­ous Promenade.

The seafront power plan would see the cre­ation of the first com­mer­cial-scale com­munity power pro­ject in any Scottish city. When oper­a­tion­al, the Seafield tur­bine will gen­er­ate elec­tri­city for homes and busi­nesses in the east of Edinburgh.

Jane Lewis, Chair of PEDAL, said:

“We are thrilled that the cru­cial next stage in this excit­ing pro­ject has received fund­ing. Our ini­tial invest­ig­a­tions sug­gest that a wind tur­bine here could gen­er­ate plenty of clean energy. However, there’s still a long way to go before the tur­bine goes up, and we will be con­sult­ing widely with the loc­al com­munity later in the year.”

Tom Black, Project Manager with PEDAL, said:

“If it does go ahead, it could bring real bene­fits by redu­cing car­bon emis­sions, bring­ing in money that would be made avail­able for loc­al pro­jects, and rais­ing aware­ness of the renew­able energy resources that Edinburgh has on it’s doorstep.”

Today’s award will enable PEDAL to carry out a range of tech­nic­al stud­ies and seek plan­ning per­mis­sion, plus leg­al agree­ments with landown­ers. The tur­bine being con­sidered would be 47.5 metres from the base to the tip of the blade. If plan­ning per­mis­sion is gran­ted, PEDAL would be look­ing for a bank loan to meet the £470,000 costs involved in buy­ing and con­struct­ing the turbine.

The grant comes from the Communities and Renewable Energy Scotland (CARES) scheme, which is admin­istered by nation­al char­ity Community Energy Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government. The CARES scheme offers grants and tech­nic­al advice to com­munity organ­isa­tions to help with the install­a­tion of a vari­ety of renew­able energy technologies.

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