We had an excellent turn out for PEDAL’s AGM on 25th March. Kitchen Canny gave a great outline of their work, the Chair (Justin) and Treasurer (Stephen) reviewed the year, Diana told the story of the Orchard using Jane’s and Mary Jane’s excellent slides, and our new Project Manager — Tom Black — outlined an exciting year ahead as he, Charlotte (Energy project worker) and Peter and Polly (Food project workers) embark on an ambitious work programme to engage the community in real carbon reduction and community resilience building measures:
- from an imaginative community orchard that spreads from the Donkey Field site at Brunstane through people’s gardens and public spaces to re-skilling and garden sharing;
- from a novel approach to tenement insulation (let us know if you’d like to involve your tenement in this) to testing whether we can produce community owned electricity and funds for Portobello through wind power.
A great 12-minute clip from the film ‘In Transition’ was shown, outlining how the Transition model helps communities positively tackle climate change and peak oil through rebuilding community resilience. It took a few attempts before we could get the film to run with sound, at the right speed, and without stopping – a good metaphor for community action: it takes patience, persistence, going back over the same ground, and finally succeeding. After the film, we shared a meal — the whole event had been marvelously organised by Mary Jane and Charlotte, and it was great to see so many new faces — something which augers very well for the year ahead.
We wish our new project workers all the best of luck with their efforts over the coming year, and want to restate OUT LOUD the fact that this is a shared community endeavour which relies entirely on voluntary effort for it’s success and future.
If you have an idea or project you want to propose and help pursue, or if you want to offer time and help (however little or great) with existing projects, then please get in touch, get involved, and help us continue working to get Portobello on the road to community resilience, a road that the whole world is going to be pursuing, and the sooner communities start the better placed they will be to benefit and to weather the economic and environmental storms.
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