Delegation of Thai officials visit PEDAL!

On 4th August a del­eg­a­tion of Thai offi­cials vis­ited the offices of PEDAL to find out about our plans for a com­munity owned wind tur­bine. This event was organ­ised by our pro­ject fun­ders, Community Energy Scotland.

After attempt­ing to ply them with vari­ous Scottish good­ies (smoked sal­mon, fruit scones) it became clear that our vis­it­ors had already been well fed at all the oth­er ven­ues they’d vis­ited in Edinburgh and Glasgow that day! So we moved straight to an inform­at­ive and pithy present­a­tion from PEDAL Board mem­ber Eva Schonveld on the aims of the Transition move­ment and its under­ly­ing philo­sophy. This was fol­lowed by a present­a­tion from Tom Black, Project Manager at PEDAL, on our plans for a wind tur­bine on the Promenade. Tom covered the work we’ve car­ried out to-date and some of the chal­lenges involved in devel­op­ing a tur­bine on this site.

There was a lively ques­tion and answer ses­sion, with the Thai del­eg­ates ask­ing more detailed ques­tions about how the pro­ject might work and how income from the tur­bine might be dis­trib­uted. We also found out a bit about the renew­able energy situ­ation in Thailand — it sounds like sol­ar power is a bet­ter option there com­pared to wind power. No sur­prises there! It was inter­est­ing to hear about the dif­fer­ences between the two coun­tries in terms of sup­port for vol­un­tary, com­munity-led efforts. It really struck us how for­tu­nate we are to have sup­port bod­ies like Community Energy Scotland.

Thai Delegate visiting PEDAL

Some of PEDAL’s Board mem­bers & staff with our new inter­na­tion­al friends!

Download the list of Thai del­eg­ates: Official Thai Delegation.

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