First Portobello Organic Market does a roaring trade!

The first Portobello Organic Market took place on a very sunny Saturday 4th September. Over a peri­od of four hours, more than one thou­sand people des­cen­ded on Brighton Park to buy lovely loc­al and organ­ic food, drink and crafts. Initial feed­back from sev­er­al loc­al traders sug­gests that the event had a very pos­it­ive effect on High Street busi­nesses too.

The mar­ket was offi­cially opened with a short speech and rib­bon cut­ting by Councillor Tom Buchanan, Convenor of Economic Development at City of Edinburgh Council.

The mar­ket will con­tin­ue to run on the first Saturday of every month, from 10am to 2pm in Brighton Park. We are look­ing to ensure future events reflect the feed­back we have received — in par­tic­u­lar we aim to change the lay­out of stalls to reduce crowding, and to have a wider range of pro­duce for sale as well as stalls selling teas/coffees and hot and cold snacks.

You can view more inform­a­tion about the Organic Market and how to book a stall via these links.

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