Grow your own vegetables course

Are you inter­ested in grow­ing your own veget­ables but don’t know where to start?  Join Damhead Nursery where veget­able expert Jim Williams from the National Vegetable Society will be intro­du­cing you to the delights of grow­ing your own food, how to estab­lish a kit­chen garden and pick up simple tips to get you star­ted, wheth­er you have a large over­grown plot, small patch or a win­dow box.  He will cov­er top­ics such as seed sow­ing, get­ting the best out of your green­house, pests/weed con­trol, com­post­ing, crop rota­tion and soil pre­par­a­tion.  After his talk par­ti­cipants will ven­ture into the nurs­ery for a hands-on prac­tic­al exercise.

When Friday 11 March 2011
Where Damhead Nursery
Time 1:30pm — 4:00pm
Cost £25.00 (includ­ing tea/coffee & cake)
Bring Warm clothes for hands on prac­tic­al outside/poly tunnel
Booking There are a lim­ited num­ber of spaces.  To book your place either call

Damhead Nursery on 0131 445 4698 or email

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