Organic Vegan Banquet in aid of Coal Action Scotland

Friday, 1st April 2011, 7.30pm. Old St. Paul’s, Edinburgh. Entry £6 – 10 slid­ing scale depend­ing upon what you can afford.

Come along and join us for a deli­cious 3 course organ­ic vegan meal, live music and enter­tain­ments through the night, provided by the Coal Action Scotland col­lect­ive. The event is to help raise funds and spread aware­ness about the massive expan­sion of the coal industry in Scotland. Bring your friends, your col­leagues, your fam­ily… and their fam­il­ies! All are welcome.

We try to make all our events as access­ible to every­body as pos­sible and as such we are happy to cater for any diet­ary or access­ib­il­ity require­ments that you or your friends may have. We just ask that you let us know in advance so we can pre­pare for these properly.

Contact us at: banquet[at]

Tickets can be pur­chased in advance from the forest cafe, reserved by email­ing the address above or bought on the night. However, due to demand at pre­vi­ous ban­quets we recom­mend buying/reserving tick­ets in advance to ensure you get a seat (espe­cially if you may be late).

Finally, if you dig such things; there is also a face­book group that you can join —

Hope to see you there!

Love and Rage,

Coal Action Scotland X

All pro­ceeds go to CAS, a col­lect­ive which exists to chal­lenge the dev­ast­at­ing expanse of the coal industry through­out Scotland. Coal is one of the most car­bon intens­ive indus­tries and cur­rent rates of extrac­tion, trans­port­a­tion and com­bus­tion are hav­ing dra­mat­ic effects on loc­al and glob­al eco­sys­tems and the environment.
All these pro­cesses have equally hor­rif­ic effects on human health both here in Scotland and through­out the world.
Despite these facts and because of hypo­crit­ic­al gov­ern­ment policies, much of the indus­tri­al world is still inex­tric­ably linked to coal and Scotland is no dif­fer­ent. We at CAS exist to chal­lenge the reli­ance on this unsus­tain­able fossil fuel and work towards cre­at­ing pos­it­ive solu­tions with com­munit­ies who pay the true costs of the coal; the fuel which per­petu­ates and cata­lyses our cur­rent course of eco­cide and plan­et­ary collapse.

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