Next Portobello Market: 7th April

Brighton Park

Quickly fol­low­ing on the suc­cess of the March mar­ket with increase in foot­fall and stall hold­ers, we are going to relaunch the mar­ket on Saturday 7 April. It is Easter week­end and as such there will be numer­ous enter­tain­ment events all day, includ­ing an Easter egg hunt. There will be live music, a cir­cus act, hair braid­ing, face paint­ing and a sci­ence fest­iv­al cour­tesy of Scottish Parliament funding.

We now have a centre piece in the form of a large teepee tent, sup­plied for free by Nordic Outdoor, and all new ban­ners, posters and flags pro­mot­ing the new name, Portobello Market. Each month a new A‑board will advert­ise the next mar­ket’s entertainment.

COME ALONG: A large pres­ence is needed to swell the num­bers and encour­age com­munity par­ti­cip­a­tion in all the events, so please do make time to come down and vis­it. It is hoped, but not yet con­firmed, that the Evening News will run an art­icle pri­or to the market.

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