Portobello Market — 5th May

Saturday 5th May is Portobello Market day!

This month: Following on from the fant­ast­ic suc­cess of the Easter mar­ket, we are once again offer­ing enter­tain­ment: AnnieD will be appear­ing with her amaz­ing face paint­ing and a young stu­dent duo will be provid­ing great music in two 1‑hour sets.

Our traders this month include:

Award win­ning oils, fresh fish and meats, artis­an cheeses, unique snacks, hand made soaps, cards and gifts, sea­sonal veget­able, sushi and noodles, organ­ic herb­al teas, knit­ted gifts, Fair Trade products and a first class BBQ for those hungry mouths.

So come along on the 5th and sup­port your loc­al sus­tain­able mar­ket and find out about the excit­ing devel­op­ments for the next mar­ket in June when we will have a first in the UK piece of entertainment!!!

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1LJ

When: 9.30am – 1.30pm

A full list of stall­hold­ers for 5th May is avail­able here.

See you there.

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