Portobello Market Day 2nd June

Saturday 2nd June is Portobello Market day!

 It’s the Royal Jubilee week­end this time round, so come along to the mar­ket for the first class traders and some great enter­tain­ment for the hol­i­day weekend.

This month:

Annie D will be there with her renowned face paint­ing skills, plus Phil is back­with his Woodland Crafts work­shops, Fin Loening & friends will provide some great music and this month a spe­cial out­door Zumba class with a dif­fer­ence! Come along and find out.

And of course, all our usu­al traders and a few more will be there for your shop­ping needs, from award win­ning oils, fresh fish, loc­ally pro­duced fresh meats, con­tin­ent­al deli products, great fresh bread, artis­an cheeses, hand-made soaps, cards & gifts, sea­son­al veg­gies, sushi & noodles, organ­ic herb­al teas, knit­ted crafts, Fair Trade products and a first class BBQ for all you hungry mouths.

So come along on the 2nd and sup­port your loc­al sus­tain­able mar­ket and enjoy some great entertainment.

Where?  Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1LJ.

Time?  9.30am – 1.30pm

A full list of stall­hold­ers is avail­able on the web­site: HERE

See you there.

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