350.org’s new film ‘Do The Math’: 29th May, 7pm

Join us on Weds 29th May 7pm, North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court , Edinburgh EH4 4TZ

Art For All is delighted to announce that North Edinburgh Arts has agreed to host a film screen­ing of the ground-break­ing film by the 350.org team Do The Math! This film is import­ant in the glob­al and loc­al sense as it encap­su­lates the cur­rent state of the envir­on­ment­al pre­dic­a­ment. It poses tough ques­tions that we all need to ask ourselves. Have we reached a tip­ping point in May 2013 when sci­ent­ists meas­ured 400 parts per mil­lion (ppm) of car­bon diox­ide in our atmo­sphere? 350.org, NASA, and many oth­er sci­entif­ic groups reck­on that we need to reduce our car­bon in the atmo­sphere to 350 for a safe level for the Earth-and ourselves ulti­mately! None of us has the answer indi­vidu­ally, but per­haps togeth­er we do!

Join us on Weds 29th May 7pm, North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court , Edinburgh EH4 4TZ Telephone: 0131 315 2151

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