
Come and join the Apple Wassail at the Donkeyfield Community Orchard on Sat 24th January 2 – 4pm

January is tra­di­tion­ally the time for singing rowdy songs in orch­ards to cel­eb­rate the har­vest from the pre­vi­ous year, chase away evil spir­its and so ensure a good crop in the com­ing sea­son.  Please bring noise mak­ing equip­ment (drums, whistles, pans), bread to hang on the trees, apple juice to soak the bread in, and wear scary clothes if you wish, to scare away any evil spir­its that may be lurk­ing… Come and drink spiced apple juice and sing round the bon­fire. All welcome!

This year the was­sail­ing songs will be taught at Portobello Community Choir ses­sions  — Weds even­ings on 7th, 14th and 21st January 7.15 – 9.30pm at Portobello Baptist Church Hall, 189 Portobello High St.  £6/4 con­ces­sions. All wel­come (you do not need to be a mem­ber of the choir to attend these was­sail­ing ses­sions) — songs will be taught by ear so no singing exper­i­ence or abil­ity to read music required.  Children and young people wel­come provid­ing they are able to con­cen­trate and join in. 

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