PEDAL AGM, 28th January 2022

Our upcom­ing AGM is on Friday 28 January at 6 pm.  Here is the link to enable you to join the meeting: You can find the sup­port­ing doc­u­ments in the link below.

Following the usu­al, brief AGM busi­ness there will be a talk by three speak­ers reflect­ing on Cop 26: Dr Paul Rouse, Carbon cap­ture spe­cial­ist at Imperial College pre­vi­ously Climate Change adviser to the UN for the Carnegie Foundation, Kim Ward and Justin Kenrick.

This will be fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion about the poten­tial ped­es­tri­an­isa­tion of Portobello High Street fol­low­ing a work­shop on this theme at the Heart Talk Porty event last November.


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