On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a delicious free meal from ingredients that might otherwise have been thrown away.
Time: October 5, 2013 from 12pm to 4pm
Location: Bristo Square and Potterrow
Organized By: Nourish Scotland
On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a delicious free meal created by volunteers, celebrity chefs and community groups from ingredients that might otherwise have been thrown away. The meal will be served between noon and 4pm.
This will be the very first time that Scotland has hosted a Feeding the5000 event (http://www.feeding5k.org) and follows events in cities around the world including London, Sydney and New York.
This event is being co-ordinated by Nourish Scotland in close co-operation with several partners including the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Students’ Association , the City of Edinburgh Council and Zero Waste Scotland.
The festival will raise the public’s awareness of the whole food agenda and provide everyone with an opportunity to contribute to a big conversation about what sort of food strategy we would like for Edinburgh in the coming years and decades.
You can find out more about Edible Edinburgh at: http://www.edible-edinburgh.
If you would like to volunteer, there are 3 different volunteering opportunities. Please apply through EUSA’s volunteering website to the volunteer role that you would like to take on using the links below.
NOTE: If you are not a student at the University of Edinburgh then you will NOT be able to apply through EUSA volunteering website but look at the different roles listed and instead please e‑mailsustainability.department@ed.
Which role you are interested in
Availability for that role
Whether you can attend the training if applicable for that role
E‑mail address
Phone number.
3 Volunteer Roles:
Social researcher — http://volunteering.eusa.ed.
Steward — http://volunteering.eusa.ed.
Practical volunteer (setting up the event) — http://volunteering.eusa.ed.
If you need further information about the event, please email mailto:F5K@nourishscotland.
We hope that you will join us on 5th October in Bristo Square for this exciting event!