Category Archives: Composting

Feeding the 5,000: 12 – 4pm, 5th October, Bristo Square and Potterrow

On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a deli­cious free meal from ingredi­ents that might oth­er­wise have been thrown away.

 Time: October 5, 2013 from 12pm to 4pm
Location: Bristo Square and Potterrow
Organized By: Nourish Scotland

Event Description:
On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a deli­cious free meal cre­ated by volun­teers, celebrity chefs and com­munity groups from ingredi­ents that might oth­er­wise have been thrown away. The meal will be served between noon and 4pm. 
This will be the very first time that Scotland has hos­ted a Feeding the5000 event ( and fol­lows events in cit­ies around the world includ­ing London, Sydney and New York.
This event is being co-ordin­ated by Nourish Scotland in close co-oper­a­tion with sev­er­al part­ners includ­ing the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Students’ Association , the City of Edinburgh Council and Zero Waste Scotland.
The fest­iv­al will raise the pub­lic’s aware­ness of the whole food agenda and provide every­one with an oppor­tun­ity to con­trib­ute to a big con­ver­sa­tion about what sort of food strategy we would like for Edinburgh in the com­ing years and dec­ades. 
You can find out more about Edible Edinburgh at:
If you would like to volun­teer, there are 3 dif­fer­ent volun­teer­ing oppor­tun­it­ies. Please apply through EUSA’s volun­teer­ing web­site to the volun­teer role that you would like to take on using the links below.
NOTE: If you are not a stu­dent at the University of Edinburgh then you will NOT be able to apply through EUSA volun­teer­ing web­site but look at the dif­fer­ent roles lis­ted and instead please e‑ with a short applic­a­tion includ­ing your:

Which role you are inter­ested in
Availability for that role
Whether you can attend the train­ing if applic­able for that role
E‑mail address
Phone num­ber.

3 Volunteer Roles:
Social research­er —
Steward —
Practical volun­teer (set­ting up the event) —
If you need fur­ther inform­a­tion about the event, please email
We hope that you will join us on 5th October in Bristo Square for this excit­ing event!

See more details and RSVP on Nourish Scotland:

Apple Festival, 12 – 4pm, 6th October at the Botanics

Apple Festival

From 12.00 noon — 4.00 pm at the John Hope Gateway

An annu­al cel­eb­ra­tion of apples. The Saturday will fea­ture apple advice and iden­ti­fic­a­tion from 10am whilst the Sunday will include apple juice tast­ing. See and taste a wide selec­tion of apple vari­et­ies from 12pm both days, and find out how to grow them yourself.

This event is also run­ning from 10am — 4pm on Saturday 5 October.

With the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society.

2 day Introduction to Permaculture

22/23 January 2011 

Colinton Community Compost,


EH13 0PQ

Sliding scale price from £45-£75 — but please don’t let money be the reas­on you don’t attend. 

For more inform­a­tion and a book­ing form, con­tact James Chapman — 

07790 265883 or 01337 842277

PEDAL Growing & Gardening Fair — THIS SATURDAY!

Saturday 7th August 2010

Portobello Town Hall

11am to 4pm

Experts Question Time at 2.30pm

As part of PEDAL’s Food pro­jects for 2010, we are hav­ing a Growing & Gardening Fair at the Town Hall.  Come along to this FREE event and find out more about grow­ing your own fruit & veget­ables, com­post­ing and more!

Stalls and advice to get you star­ted or help you out of a rut, plus Experts Question Time at 2.30pm.

Tea & Cakes!

There will be stalls on com­post­ing, inform­a­tion about organ­ic food, PEDAL food pro­jects, PEDAL Energy Projects and oth­ers. If you’ve ever wondered what the Guerilla Gardeners are up to behind the town hall, they will be there to tell you all about it.  Members of the Orchard Group will also be on hand to talk about the Donkeyfield com­munity orch­ard on Brunstane Road, and tell you how you can get involved.

For those of you who are really addicted to veg­gies there will be a crafty corner where you can learn to knit your own veget­able accessories!

Then at 2:30 our pan­el of experts will take to the stage to answer your ques­tions.  Questions will be chosen from those pos­ted on the ques­tion board thoughout the day.

Dig In Porty! Free courses on growing your own veg

Would you be inter­ested in learn­ing to grow more of your own fruit and veg?

We hope to offer a short course over 4 Saturdays, begin­ning on the 29th of May at Telferton Allotments. At the moment we are only able to offer the course to six people on a first-come, first-served basis. This course on grow­ing Spring and Summer Greens will cov­er the the­ory and prac­tice of dig­ging, under­stand­ing your soil, com­post, seed sow­ing  and care of your plants.

If there is suf­fi­cient interest we’d like to run oth­er courses on how to grow in raised beds & con­tain­ers, and on grow­ing potatoes.

Courses are being offered free, although there will be a small charge (£10) to cov­er the cost of seeds and some materials.

If you or someone you know is inter­ested in these courses, or in being kept informed of oth­er courses PEDAL may offer in the future, please con­tact Peter ( or Polly (

We look for­ward to hear­ing from you!

Porty Community Growing Space

Porty Community Garden Poster (click to download larger version for printing)

Porty Community Garden Poster (click to down­load lar­ger ver­sion for printing)

Edinburgh Community Gardening Activists & PEDAL have teamed up to turn a large neg­lected garden area at the back of Porty Town Hall into a com­munity grow­ing space — Food ‘n’ Flowers! If you would like the oppor­tun­ity to have a bash at grow­ing a few veg­gies, or even just help out, please get in touch for more details!

If you have any old/unused garden­ing tools you’d like to donate, please let us know!

Work days are held most week­ends (usu­ally a Sunday)—details are on our blog­s­ite but the next few are:

  • Sun 30th August, 2 – 5pm
  • Sat 5th Sept, 2 – 5pm
  • Sun 13th Sept, 2 – 5pm
  • Sat 19th Sept, 2 – 5pm

You’ll need to wear sens­ible old cloth­ing and garden­ing gloves. Bring any tools (spades, forks, lop­pers etc) if you have them!

Become a Rebel Tomato for some garden­ing fun and a bit of hard work!

Contact: Lucy on (0131) 669 7201 or E‑mail: