Category Archives: Land Reform

Nourish Scotland Annual Conference 2011




Nourish is a net­work of people and groups inter­ested in loc­al food in Scotland, who, to quote their Declaration of Dunbar “..are work­ing towards a sus­tain­able Scotland in which, in every region we pro­duce more of what we eat and eat more of what we pro­duce.”  To join just register at Nourish.

The Nourish Scotland Annual Conference 2011 will bring togeth­er parties inter­ested in Local Food from all over the UK for Wonderful Workshops, Spectacular Speakers, Luscious Local Food and a Cracking Ceilidh!  Tickets are on sale from


On Saturday, Lesley Riddoch will be chair­ing the debate at our Hustings event, with polit­ic­al rep­res­ent­at­ives from a cross sec­tion of parties tak­ing your ques­tions on the issues sur­round­ing Local Food and Land Use.


Wild Food with Ian Edwards of the Scottish Wild Harvests Association

Farmer’s Markets with Howard Wilkinson of Ayrshire Food Network

What To Do when the Funding runs out – expert advice on Social Enterprise and Income Generation

CAP Reform with David Barnes of the Scottish Government

Nourish: The Way Forward – Plenary Session to vote on pri­or­it­ies for Nourish Strategic Plan and options for Regionalisation

Opportunities in Procurement & Government Tenders includ­ing the Commonwealth Games

Getting Community Growing Projects Going with Urban Roots

Food Waste with Zero Waste Scotland

Land Use Strategy with Jo Hunt and John Ferguson of Nourish

Inspirational Visit to LEGUP Urban Growing Project in Govan

Land and Legal Issues for Community Growing with Landshare

Orchards with pan­el­list of 4 experts tak­ing your questions

Veg Box Schemes – with Caspar Lampkin and Fiona Ross

Food Security with Mike Small of Fife Diet

Haggis Making with Chef Didier of Whitmuir Organics

Andrew Whitley from Bread Matters, founder of the Village Bakery and Real Bread Campaign

Fisheries, Slow Food and many more…


We’ll be dan­cing the night away in our Friday night Ceilidh with music from Sarah Northcott and the Little Biggar Band. We’ll be provid­ing a bar too for your choice of refreshment…


Delicious sea­son­al meals using loc­al pro­duce (organ­ic wherever pos­sible) will be sup­plied by Hyndberry. Lunch and Dinner on Friday and Lunch on Saturday are included in the price of Weekend Tickets.


This year we have Free Childcare cour­tesy of GERA’s Mobile Play Team who’ll be run­ning food related work­shops and arts and crafts activ­it­ies for the young­er delegates.


The con­fer­ence will be held at the Pearce Institute in Govan, Glasgow. The Pearce is a fant­ast­ic ven­ue, with plenty of room for net­work­ing and break­out ses­sions. It’s right across the street from the Subway, is wheel­chair access­ible and has a Hearing Induction Loop. More here:

Transferring public assets into community control

On the 1st  March between 10.30 and 14.30  the Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS) will be run­ning a event on trans­fer­ring pub­lic assets into com­munity control.

Greater con­trol of assets such as land, build­ings, or renew­able energy resources can help com­munit­ies become more resi­li­ent and sus­tain­able, increase loc­al use of the assets in ques­tion, safe­guard them for the future, and even gen­er­ate income to sup­port fur­ther loc­al ini­ti­at­ives. Many such assets are under the con­trol of loc­al or cent­ral Government. How can their trans­fer to well-gov­erned and account­able com­munity organ­isa­tions be encour­aged? This is the ques­tion that DTAS Promoting Asset Transfer pro­gramme asks.

This sem­in­ar will:

  • Reflect on some of the early find­ings from DTAS’ Promoting Asset Transfer programme
  • Provide learn­ing from the prac­tic­al exper­i­ence of those involved in asset trans­fer projects
  • Consider future dir­ec­tion of the com­munity asset agenda in Scotland.

If you would like more inform­a­tion on the event or how to book your place, please see the Event Flier.

Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens National Networking Day

The Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens are hav­ing their National Networking Event on Friday, October 8th 2010 at Battleby, near Perth.

Workshops include New Allotments; a look at dif­fer­ent allot­ments mod­els, Livestock on Community Gardens, Social Return on Investment, Selling Produce at Farmers Markets, Orchards, Wildlife Gardening in Winter, Community Gardening and the 2011 Elections, Risk Management and more!

There will be a chance to meet fun­ders, find out about bee­keep­ing, Care Farming, Planning Aid Scotland and hear case stud­ies from oth­er pro­jects. It’s a great oppor­tun­ity to net­work, meet like-minded people and share ideas.

For fur­ther inform­a­tion please con­tact Tel: 0131 623 7058 Deadline for applic­a­tions is Friday 16th September 2010.

You can down load book­ing forms at

Portobello Community Farm  —  Invitation to tender

We have just sent out our invit­a­tion to tender for the com­munity farm feas­ib­il­ity study!

To find out more go to the Invitation to Tender page.