Category Archives: Market

Busking Bike at the market on the 5th April

In col­lab­or­a­tion with the Science Festival, we’re very pleased to wel­come the Busking Bike, who’ll be with us the whole morn­ing.  With mind-bog­gling exper­i­ments and dazzling sci­ence demos, Busking Bikes take street per­form­ance to a whole new level. Find out all about the latest devel­op­ments in Scottish sci­ence and wit­ness explo­sions, weird­ness and plenty of mess. 

Portobello Market, Saturday 3rd August

Will the heat wave come to the mar­ket!? Who knows, but it does­n’t mat­ter either way because there’s always a warm atmo­sphere and lots of fun to be had at the market.

There’ll be live music and face paint­ing of course.

It’s been a great year so far for Portobello Market, and August looks like a bump­er crop of traders, the most so far this year. We’ll even have a real espresso cof­fee van on site! Woohoo! 

Our loy­al reg­u­lars are there with their organ­ic meats, breads, fruit & veg, oils, cheeses, candles, soaps and garden fur­niture, togeth­er with crafts, out­door garden fur­niture, plants, nat­ur­al rem­ed­ies & ther­apies. The list goes on. Amazing variety!

Check out the PEDAL web­site for more details and for a full list of stall­hold­ers.

So come along between 9.30 and 1.30 at Brighton Park on Brighton Place, Portobello, and join in the fun.

Portobello Market Day 2nd June

Saturday 2nd June is Portobello Market day!

 It’s the Royal Jubilee week­end this time round, so come along to the mar­ket for the first class traders and some great enter­tain­ment for the hol­i­day weekend.

This month:

Annie D will be there with her renowned face paint­ing skills, plus Phil is back­with his Woodland Crafts work­shops, Fin Loening & friends will provide some great music and this month a spe­cial out­door Zumba class with a dif­fer­ence! Come along and find out.

And of course, all our usu­al traders and a few more will be there for your shop­ping needs, from award win­ning oils, fresh fish, loc­ally pro­duced fresh meats, con­tin­ent­al deli products, great fresh bread, artis­an cheeses, hand-made soaps, cards & gifts, sea­son­al veg­gies, sushi & noodles, organ­ic herb­al teas, knit­ted crafts, Fair Trade products and a first class BBQ for all you hungry mouths.

So come along on the 2nd and sup­port your loc­al sus­tain­able mar­ket and enjoy some great entertainment.

Where?  Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1LJ.

Time?  9.30am – 1.30pm

A full list of stall­hold­ers is avail­able on the web­site: HERE

See you there.

Want to help out at the Saturday 5th May market?

We need help on the PEDAL stall for a couple of hours between 9.30 and 1.30 pm.  If you’re free, give Mandy a ring on 0131 669 1124 — many thanks!

Portobello Market — 5th May

Saturday 5th May is Portobello Market day!

This month: Following on from the fant­ast­ic suc­cess of the Easter mar­ket, we are once again offer­ing enter­tain­ment: AnnieD will be appear­ing with her amaz­ing face paint­ing and a young stu­dent duo will be provid­ing great music in two 1‑hour sets.

Our traders this month include:

Award win­ning oils, fresh fish and meats, artis­an cheeses, unique snacks, hand made soaps, cards and gifts, sea­sonal veget­able, sushi and noodles, organ­ic herb­al teas, knit­ted gifts, Fair Trade products and a first class BBQ for those hungry mouths.

So come along on the 5th and sup­port your loc­al sus­tain­able mar­ket and find out about the excit­ing devel­op­ments for the next mar­ket in June when we will have a first in the UK piece of entertainment!!!

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1LJ

When: 9.30am – 1.30pm

A full list of stall­hold­ers for 5th May is avail­able here.

See you there.

Portobello Market — Saturday 7th April, Easter weekend

Saturday 7th April is Portobello Market day!

This monthWe are relaunch­ing the mar­ket with a new look and feel. Come along this Easter week­end and enjoy face paint­ing for the kids, a sci­ence fest­iv­al, Easter egg hunt and live music.

Our traders this month include:

Award win­ning oils, fresh fish and meats, artis­an cheeses, unique snacks, hand made soaps, cards and gifts, sea­son­al veget­able, sushi and noodles, organ­ic herb­al teas, knit­ted gifts, Fair Trade products and a first class BBQ for those hungry mouths.

So come along on the 7th and sup­port your loc­al sus­tain­able mar­ket and find out about the excit­ing devel­op­ments for the next mar­ket in May.

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1LJ

When: 9.30am – 1.30pm

A full list of stall­hold­ers for 7th April is avail­able on the web­site by click­ing here.

See you there.

Next Portobello Market: 7th April

Brighton Park

Quickly fol­low­ing on the suc­cess of the March mar­ket with increase in foot­fall and stall hold­ers, we are going to relaunch the mar­ket on Saturday 7 April. It is Easter week­end and as such there will be numer­ous enter­tain­ment events all day, includ­ing an Easter egg hunt. There will be live music, a cir­cus act, hair braid­ing, face paint­ing and a sci­ence fest­iv­al cour­tesy of Scottish Parliament funding.

We now have a centre piece in the form of a large teepee tent, sup­plied for free by Nordic Outdoor, and all new ban­ners, posters and flags pro­mot­ing the new name, Portobello Market. Each month a new A‑board will advert­ise the next mar­ket’s entertainment.

COME ALONG: A large pres­ence is needed to swell the num­bers and encour­age com­munity par­ti­cip­a­tion in all the events, so please do make time to come down and vis­it. It is hoped, but not yet con­firmed, that the Evening News will run an art­icle pri­or to the market.

Portobello Market, Saturday 3rd March

Satrurday 3rd March is Portobello Market day!

This month we’ve got award win­ning oils, fresh fish and meats, artis­an cheeses, unique snacks, hand made soaps, cards and gifts, sea­son­al veget­able, sushi and noodles, organ­ic herb­al teas, knit­ted gifts, Fair Trade products and a first class BBQ for those hungry mouths

So come along on the 3rd and sup­port your loc­al sus­tain­able mar­ket and find out about the excit­ing devel­op­ments for the next mar­ket in April.

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1LJ

When: 9.30am – 1.30pm

A full list of stall­hold­ers for 3rd March is avail­able here.

Portobello Market, Saturday 4th February

Saturday 4th February is Portobello Market day! Come along to find all your reg­u­lar stalls selling mouth-water­ing loc­ally-pro­duced and sea­son­al food, and loc­al and upcycled crafts.

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1LJ

When: 9.30am  —  1.30pm

A full list of stall­hold­ers for 4th February is avail­able here.

Job opportunity: Co-ordinator, Portobello Market

This is an excit­ing oppor­tun­ity to play a key role in grow­ing the loc­al food and craft eco­nomy in Portobello by over­see­ing the pro­mo­tion of Portobello’s monthly mar­ket, and ensur­ing it’s growth and sus­tain­ab­il­ity into the future.  The role is var­ied in nature and would suit someone with skills and exper­i­ence in mar­ket­ing, retail, basic book-keep­ing, admin­is­tra­tion and work­ing with volun­teers. Candidates should also have a pas­sion for loc­al / organ­ic food and sus­tain­able development.

The suc­cess­ful can­did­ate will be con­trac­ted on a self-employed basis.

Hours of work: 14 hours per month

Wage: £100 (gross) per month on a self-employed basis, plus 15% share of profits (after run­ning costs) paid monthly.

Download the job descrip­tion with per­son spe­cific­a­tion below:

PEDAL Market Coordinator

To be con­sidered for this con­tract, please sub­mit your CV and a cov­er­ing let­ter explain­ing why you want this role and what skills and exper­i­ence you would bring to it, to:

Neil Woodward
Company Secretary
PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town
23A Bath Street
EH14 1TJ

Alternatively you can send them by e‑mail to

Applications should be received no later than 5pm on Thursday 22nd December.

You should be avail­able for inter­view on Friday 13th January 2012 and able to start work imme­di­ately in order to co-ordin­ate the mar­ket on Saturday 4th February 2012.