Category Archives: Recycling

Electric Bungalow Community Garden


Members of the Electric Bungalow Community Garden would like to thank the wider com­munity in Portobello for all their sup­port and encour­age­ment after the garden on Bath Street was bull­dozed last Thursday.

bath st memorial

Please feel free to drop by and add some­thing (per­haps draw a flower on the pave­ment, weave cloth or wool into the fence) to add to our memori­al just outside.

The group is con­sid­er­ing our next steps and will post plans on the face­book group and the PEDAL web­site in due course.

PEDAL ‘Street Level’ — make it happen on your street!


Would you love to have a street party on your street — but nev­er got round to mak­ing it hap­pen? Or do you think car-shar­ing with a few people who live close by would make sense, but you’re not sure how to go about it? Maybe you think it’s crazy that 10 people in your street have a lawn mower, when you could all just use the same one?

If so, Street Level may be for you.

It’s not com­plic­ated – just the chance to bring togeth­er a bunch of people who’d like to start some­thing good on their street — so they can share a bit of mor­al and prac­tical sup­port. Let’s get togeth­er, share ideas and resources and sup­port one anoth­er to make good things hap­pen on our streets.

The kinds of things we might do are:

Organise street parties

Join Streetbank

Get on-street bike storage

Start com­munity gardens

Build on-street planters/trees

Make or com­mis­sion pub­lic art

Share chick­ens

Start food/solar/insulation co-ops…

… stuff like that.

If you’re inter­ested, email or call Eva

Give it a second chance …

Thanks to Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association, a new com­munity enter­prise has set up in neigh­bour­ing Craigmillar offer­ing good qual­ity, low cost recycled fur­niture, white goods, TVs, kettles, toast­ers, microwaves, paint, floor­ing, cur­tains etc. —  all you need to make a home on a very low budget.  Marc 2 are now look­ing for both cus­tom­ers and dona­tions, so do call in at 67 Peffer Place, EH16 4BB – the unit where Duddingston Bakery used to be.  And if you need a good qual­ity new bed or mat­tress, while you’re down that way you might pop in to Blindcraft to see what they have to offer and sup­port the area’s old­est loc­al com­munity enterprise.