Land Reform — Why is it so popular?

Q: Why is land reform so popular?

Land own­er:
I say! You! Get off my land!
How did this get to be your land?
Land own­er:
Well, I inher­ited it from my father
And who did he get it from?
Land own­er:
From his fath­er, naturally.
And who did he get it from?
Land own­er:
Well, my fore­fath­ers fought for it – they drove off the people who lived here before.
So you fought for it eh? Well I’ll fight you for it right now!

A: Land Reform enables strong communities

PEDAL takes its inspir­a­tion from com­munit­ies through­out Scotland who have suc­cess­fully taken back con­trol of loc­al resources to enable loc­al jobs, loc­al ini­ti­at­ives and loc­al decision making.

Current ideas (wheth­er they hap­pen through reclaim­ing and renew­ing com­munity assetts, through the car­bon reduc­tion programe, through estab­lish­ing com­munity owned renew­ables, or through oth­er pro­jects) include: com­munity owned hub/ pub/ café/ workshops/ gardens/ renew­able energy schemes… your ideas are welcome!