Hotspot Insulation Scheme

The Hotspot insu­la­tion offer is still run­ning  — every­one in Portobello should have received a let­ter offer­ing reduced price loft and cav­ity wall insu­la­tion, through the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre.

We have had sev­er­al suc­cess­ful install­a­tions in houses and tene­ments across Portobello, and we’re sure it’s help­ing lots of people to stay warm in this icy weather.

Insulation can help to save lots of money on your bills, as well as redu­cing the car­bon emis­sions from your home.

We hope as many folk as pos­sible will take up this one-off deal. Insulation is free for those in receipt of cer­tain benefits.Just call 0800 512 012 to arrange a free no-oblig­a­tion sur­vey for loft or cav­ity wall insulation.

The Hotspot insu­la­tion scheme uses accred­ited installers and is run by PEDAL in part­ner­ship with ESSac.

Here are some guide prices…

3 bed­room house — Cavity Wall Insulation 129* loft insu­la­tion £149 — £179*

2 – 3 bed­room tene­ment flat  — Loft Insulation £149 — £269*

*Prices are sub­ject to tech­nic­al survey.

A third of all the heat lost in an un-insu­lated home is through the walls, and around a quarter goes through the roof. So cav­ity wall and loft insu­la­tion are effect­ive ways to save both energy and money at home. For example, if your home has cav­ity walls, insu­lat­ing them could save on aver­age around £115 a year on your fuel bills.

If you live in a tene­ment, or if your home can­’t take loft or cav­ity wall insu­la­tion, please con­tact us for advice on oth­er ways you can do to save money and energy. For more inform­a­tion please con­tact our Energy Worker, Charlotte Bickmore, at or on 0131 258 4483.

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