Solar Porty — what we need to know

We now have a fant­ast­ic offer from Glendevon Energy, an accred­ited installer with many years of exper­i­ence in sol­ar hot water install­a­tions. They are offer­ing excel­lent prices for AES or Kingspan sol­ar thermal pan­el install­a­tions for suit­able homes in Portobello (please see the Solar Porty leaf­let for more details).

If you are inter­ested in hav­ing a sur­vey to see if your house is suit­able and to con­firm a price, we will need to know;

1. Number of people in your house­hold (adults + children)
2. Number of bedrooms
3. A pic­ture of your prop­erty show­ing most South facing roof (or altern­at­ively your per­mis­sion for us to come and take a photo). If you don’t have a roof that faces roughly south, please take a photo of the most West facing roof.
4. Whether you are with­in the con­ser­va­tion area (if you know this information)
5. If your prop­erty is a lis­ted build­ing (if you know this information)

This inform­a­tion will help us identi­fy wheth­er plan­ning per­mis­sion is likely to be gran­ted. If you are out­with the con­ser­va­tion area you will not need to apply for plan­ning per­mis­sion, and we can pass your details straight to Glendevon Energy who will then get in touch with you to arrange a free survey.

If you are with­in the con­ser­va­tion area we will be able to get an inform­al opin­ion from City of Edinburgh Council plan­ning depart­ment on wheth­er you are likely to get plan­ning per­mis­sion to go ahead with any work. If you are deemed likely to get plan­ning per­mis­sion you will qual­i­fy for a free sur­vey from Glendevon Energy. 

This offer is for a lim­ited time peri­od, so please get in touch as soon as pos­sible, and feel free to call or email with any ques­tions you may have.
0131 258 4483/

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