
PEDAL wants to help and encour­age loc­al people and busi­nesses to pro­duce and buy more of their food loc­ally, and from organ­ic sources. This means identi­fy­ing and get­ting access to land that could be used for grow­ing food, and enabling loc­al people to re-learn the skills needed for pro­du­cing and pre­par­ing food. It also means encour­aging people to re-estab­lish con­nec­tions with loc­al and organ­ic pro­du­cers, buy more of pro­duce from them, and cel­eb­rate loc­al food!

PEDAL cur­rently has two food related pro­jects up and run­ning: Portobello Organic Market provides a range of loc­ally-pro­duced and organ­ic food and crafts for sale, and Donkeyfield Community Orchard is being developed into a loc­al fruit grow­ing and edu­ca­tion­al resource.

There are three groups focussed on devel­op­ing food ini­ti­at­ives, click on the links below to find out more about the work of the groups or join one:

In 2010 PEDAL was awar­ded a one-year grant from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund to take for­ward a range of pro­jects aimed at enabling and encour­aging people in Portobello to grow or buy more loc­al food. Some of the pro­jects we ran have fin­ished now, but you can find more inform­a­tion on them all here. We have plans to devel­op a wide range of food ini­ti­at­ives that, togeth­er, we hope will under­pin the cre­ation of a stronger loc­al food eco­nomy and enable loc­al people to grow more of their own food. Current and planned ini­ti­at­ives are shown in the dia­gram below.

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Find loc­al food sup­pli­ers near you on the Local Food Advisor website: