Q: What percentage of our food do we buy or grow here in Portobello?
On average we travel 136 miles each year to shop for food. That means that the average household of 2 adults and 2 kids generates 500 miles of car emissions in the quest for food.
- The CO2 emissions for producing, processing, packaging and distributing food eaten by a UK family of four is about 8 tonnes a year.
- 95% of fruit and 50% of vegetables eaten in the UK are imported.
- 25% of HGV mileage in UK is accounted for by food haulage.
A: PEDAL suggests: buy local and grow local!
- Shop locally, cut travel and support a thriving High Street
- Grow local: expand urban agriculture through allotments, gardens, wasteland, parts of parks, involving and educating children and adults